Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Oil Journey Update

I wanted to take a minute to write a quick update to WHY I am so in love with essential oils and why I am extremely passionate about wanting to share them with everyone I meet!

I have always struggled with depression and anxiety as well as just feeling all around unhealthy despite changing my eating and exercise habits. I never felt truly alive and more like I was just going through motions daily to make it to the day (that is mostly because of depression). I have tried out so many different forms of medication and therapy and the results never lasted. Why? Because I was simply masking the problem I was having not fixing it.

Essential oils have helped detoxify my body as well as restoring my body’s natural balance. How do I know this? I can feel it. I am happy, I am centered, I am grounded. It feels as though a fog has been lifted around me and I am able to live again. I enjoy things that I once despised, I sleep soundly at night, I wake up refreshed (despite being up with a toddler 1-5 times a night), and most importantly I feel better than I ever have.

I have been so blessed on my learning journey with oils that I want to be able to spread this everywhere. I want people who feel as though they will never be themselves again because depression, anxiety or anything else has blocked it to know that there is another way. There is a better way.

Please don’t take this post as me rejecting modern medicine, because that couldn’t be farther than the truth. The marvels of modern medicine are wide known and I have seen it first hand, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be utilizing these natural remedies as much as we can. Especially if they are making a difference.

<3 stay oily my friends!

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