Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Beginnings

As I am sitting here rereading all of my blog posts...my head is spinning! WOW those posts are a lot to digest! Let's take a step back and I'm going to break it all down in plain, mommy Monique language.

First, essential oils have been life changing for my family. Why? Well simply put essential oils detoxify the body and clean receptor sites. Oils naturally strengthen the immune system and attack only harmful bacteria. Oil molecules send information to cells and cleanse receptor sites so that your body is able to return back to it's natural function. Essential oils help balance your body.

Secondly, Young Living is great because of their promise-seed to seal (read about it here). Young Living is a 20 year old company that was at the forefront of essential oils and I trust their quality. On top of quality, YL offers an AMAZING supportive community full of people who love oils!

Lastly, I want to share my experiences with you-not overwhelm you with facts. I'm keeping my last few posts because they are FULL of useful information, but from now on I will be speaking more from my heart and my experiences.

I hope you will join me as I learn, grow, make mistakes, and change!
Stay oily ;)
<3 Monique

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